Andrey Averin personal life wife. How Andrey Averin lost weight

Andrey Averin is a famous Russian humorist, known to viewers as the author of numerous comic miniatures. Currently, his name is firmly associated with the Russian comedy show Comedy Club Moscow Style. But what was his path to the stage? Few will probably be able to answer this question. After all, a talented comedian appeared as if out of nowhere. Today we will try to look behind the screen and lift the veil of secrecy a little. What was the life of a famous showman like before collaborating with the Comedy Club project? How did his fate develop, and what was his path to the big stage? We will present the answers to these questions in this article.

About the party - Andrey Averin and Zurab Matua

Childhood of Andrey Averin

The future famous showman was born in a small town called Boksitogorsk (Leningrad region). Very little is known about his childhood and adolescence. The only reliable fact is his passion for various sports. While still a schoolboy, Andrei began playing in the handball and football sections. Soon chess was added to them. It is very noteworthy that Averin has achieved very impressive success in this industry. In his interviews, Andrei to this day proudly notes that he is the chess champion of Boksitogorsk.

However, subsequently his fate was quite far from the world of sports. After graduating from school, Andrei Averin entered the institute, where he began to study as a test engineer. His specialty was the aerospace field, perhaps that is why the young artist was always so passionately drawn to the stars.

Andrey Averin's career on stage

From an early age, Andrei Averin was a passionate fan of practical jokes. His jokes were a great success, and the ability to joke well became one of his hallmarks. Despite his very impressive figure, Andrei was never afraid of public speaking. That’s why he started appearing on stage quite early. Unlike most other residents of Comedy, Averin never played in KVN. His path to the Moscow stage lay through the Comedy Club Peter Style. It was here that, while still a student, he met Zurab Matua and other famous showmen. The young artist’s performances were very successful and very soon the artist was offered to move to Moscow. Averin, without hesitation, accepted the offer.

Today Andrey is known as a permanent resident of the Comedy Club. On the Moscow stage he often performs together with other popular comedians - Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Revva. However, the artist’s greatest popularity was brought by his collaboration with Zurab Matua and Dmitry Sorokin. Together they write humorous remakes of famous songs, with which they subsequently appear on stage.

Andrey Averin - Lev Leshchenko

In 2011, Averin began to increasingly appear in Russian clubs as a musical performer. His track “Loot Conquers Evil” began to be frequently broadcast on various radio stations. In 2012, Andrey took part in the recording of a more serious composition, “Endorphin,” created together with rapper Kravets.

Personal life of Andrei Averin and new figure

Andrey Averin is married. His chosen one's name is Victoria. Together the couple is raising a little daughter. According to some of the showman's friends, it was the birth of the child that forced the artist to reconsider some views on life and on himself personally. The comedian began to monitor his diet and pay great attention to healthy eating.

Just a few weeks ago, the Internet was rocked by shocking photographs of Andrei Averin, one of the residents of the popular ComedyClub show. In the photographs, Andrei looked slim, rested and extremely attractive. Users, both the Internet and fans of the show, had a huge number of questions: how did the beloved presenter manage to transform himself like that? Unfortunately, there is no exact figure for how many kilograms Andrei lost; some sources report that it is 10-15 kg, others that it is 30 kg, and all this happened in a fairly short period of time. However, the fact remains that Andrey looks amazing. Andrei admitted in one of his interviews how he lost weight and happily shared it with his fans.

How did the ComedyClub resident manage to lose weight?

With a partner from Comedy Club

The first step What helped him lose weight was that he completely eliminated all flour and sweets from his diet, namely:

  • All flour products, bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, sweets,
  • Sweet fruits, bananas and grapes,
  • Jams, preserves, condensed milk.

For sweets I left only honey and dark chocolate. At first, he experienced an irresistible feeling of hunger, so he actively leaned on protein foods, for example:

  • boiled chicken,
  • boiled fish,
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and cheese,
  • Eggs, no more than 1 per day,
  • Skim milk and fermented milk products.

At the same time, he ate all these foods until he was completely full. Literally a few days later, the feeling of hunger stopped tormenting, and Andrei continued the process with renewed vigor.

The second step there was a complete refusal of fast food. After all, everyone knows that such food is not made from the highest quality products, which affects not only weight, but also overall well-being.

The third step was that Andrey switched to separate meals. He ate food every 3-4 hours in small portions in accordance with the rules of separate meals. By the way, today, after he achieved his desired weight, he also adheres to this rule. Andrei admits that sometimes he is still uncontrollably drawn to sweets, then he allows himself to eat a small piece of dark chocolate or a few pieces of dried fruit. Andrey is not very keen on sports; he prefers long walks or skateboarding, which perfectly replaces his daily physical activity.

Many are sure that Andrei used the services of one of the expensive clinics, for example, the services of the well-known clinic of Margarita Koroleva. Perhaps the rumors are not groundless, however, even if this is so, even such weight loss requires considerable willpower, time and effort.

Comedy Club resident Andrei Averin came on stage as a “big” man - he weighed 125 kg. Imagine the surprise of the audience when the comedian suddenly began to rapidly lose weight - in 8 months he lost 31 kg!

Such a change in appearance, according to Andrei himself, not only surprised, but also a little frightened his loved ones. Relatives, friends and acquaintances vying with each other called and asked how he was doing and if he was sick. However, everything was in order with Andrey: he saw his goal and confidently walked towards it.

Andrey Averin's weight loss - before and after photos.

In childhood and adolescence, Andrei Averin was quite athletic: he played football and handball. That’s probably why I was able to pull myself together one day and start losing weight.

In general, being fat is not very comfortable. Problems with clothing, problems with movement. I wanted to look better. I thought, why not look like you did at 18 at 30? It was on the eve of winter, and I decided: I would enter the new year with a new appearance.

A. Averin

First of all, Averin studied possible ways to combat excess weight and consulted with familiar doctors. In the end, I settled on an effective and safe option.


The main principle of Andrei Averin’s nutrition is to prevent hunger. Therefore, the actor ate regularly at short intervals: every two hours.

Andrey tried to eat home-cooked food. His diet includes a lot of greens and vegetables, the main ones of which he considers carrots and cucumbers. Cucumbers generally occupy a special place in the actor’s diet. The fact is that he did not eat after six in the evening. But if the feeling of hunger still made itself felt, the actor had a snack. They have almost no calories, but they fill you up perfectly.

Averin also considers fish an extremely important element of the diet and admits that he would be happy to completely replace meat with it if beef were not so healthy. In general, Andrei Averin’s diet looked like this:

  1. Porridge for breakfast
  2. for lunch
  3. and chicken rice for lunch
  4. Grilled fish for afternoon snack
  5. Boiled beef for dinner - until six in the evening

Diet restrictions

Of course, there were some restrictions. So, the actor almost completely excluded sweets and flour from his menu (although he even allowed himself a little fried food) and gave up alcohol, as well (so as not to get a “beer belly”).

Now he allows himself to drink alcohol only in small quantities on special occasions. But with sweets it’s a little easier. Since it feeds the brain, it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Therefore, the actor switched to dark chocolate and can sometimes even afford a whole bar (but occasionally and only in the morning).


The path to getting in shape was not easy. Andrey warns: at first it will be very difficult. The body is accustomed to free handling of food: it can do whatever it wants. So the psyche desperately resisted this. The most difficult are the first two weeks, when you even begin to dream about the desired food.

However, over time, adaptation occurs, and the body enters a new rhythm of life. The actor joked that his daily routine also helped him cope with hunger. “The earlier you go to bed, the less you want to eat,” laughs Averin.

Pleasant Side Effects

In addition to a significantly slimmer waist, this regime gave Andrei Averin several useful sports habits. So, the actor bought a bicycle, started rollerblading and skateboarding, and generally believes that he has become more active. And coupled with sufficient time for, which is also taken into account by the actor’s regime, this gives a huge boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

The actor believes that regular meals without overeating and physical activity can maintain weight. Moreover, the first noticeable results will be visible within three months. Well, looking at the fit Averin, it’s hard to doubt this!

Childhood of Andrey Averin

Today Andrey is known as a permanent resident of the Comedy Club.
On the Moscow stage he often performs together with other popular comedians - Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Revva. However, the artist’s greatest popularity was brought by his collaboration with Zurab Matua and Dmitry Sorokin. Together they write humorous remakes of famous songs, with which they subsequently appear on stage. In 2011, Averin began to increasingly appear in Russian clubs as a musical performer. His track “Loot Conquers Evil” began to be frequently broadcast on various radio stations. In 2012, Andrey took part in the recording of a more serious composition, “Endorphin,” created together with rapper Kravets.

Biography of Andrey Averin

Andrey Averin is a famous Russian humorist, known to viewers as the author of numerous comic miniatures. Currently, his name is firmly associated with the Russian comedy show Comedy Club Moscow Style. But what was his path to the stage? Few will probably be able to answer this question. After all, a talented comedian appeared as if out of nowhere. Today we will try to look behind the screen and lift the veil of secrecy a little. What was the life of a famous showman like before collaborating with the Comedy Club project? How did his fate develop, and what was his path to the big stage? We will present the answers to these questions in this article.

Childhood of Andrey Averin

The future famous showman was born in a small town called Boksitogorsk (Leningrad region). Very little is known about his childhood and adolescence. The only reliable fact is his passion for various sports. While still a schoolboy, Andrei began playing in the handball and football sections. Soon chess was added to them. It is very noteworthy that Averin has achieved very impressive success in this industry. In his interviews, Andrei to this day proudly notes that he is the chess champion of Boksitogorsk.

However, subsequently his fate was quite far from the world of sports. After graduating from school, Andrei Averin entered the institute, where he began to study as a test engineer. His specialty was the aerospace field, perhaps that is why the young artist was always so passionately drawn to the stars.

Andrey Averin's career on stage

From an early age, Andrei Averin was a passionate fan of practical jokes. His jokes were a great success, and the ability to joke well became one of his hallmarks. Despite his very impressive figure, Andrei was never afraid of public speaking. That’s why he started appearing on stage quite early. Unlike most other residents of Comedy, Averin never played in KVN. His path to the Moscow stage lay through the Comedy Club Peter Style. It was here that, while still a student, he met Zurab Matua and other famous showmen. The young artist’s performances were very successful and very soon the artist was offered to move to Moscow. Averin, without hesitation, accepted the offer.

Today Andrey is known as a permanent resident of the Comedy Club. On the Moscow stage he often performs together with other popular comedians - Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Revva. However, the artist’s greatest popularity was brought by his collaboration with Zurab Matua and Dmitry Sorokin. Together they write humorous remakes of famous songs, with which they subsequently appear on stage. In 2011, Averin began to increasingly appear in Russian clubs as a musical performer. His track “Loot Conquers Evil” began to be frequently broadcast on various radio stations. In 2012, Andrey took part in the recording of a more serious composition, “Endorphin,” created together with rapper Kravets.

Personal life of Andrei Averin and new figure

Andrey Averin is married. His chosen one's name is Victoria. Together the couple is raising a little daughter. According to some of the showman's friends, it was the birth of the child that forced the artist to reconsider some views on life and on himself personally. The comedian began to monitor his diet and pay great attention to healthy eating. The end result exceeded all expectations - in just eight months, Averin lost almost 32 kilograms. As the comedian himself notes, the only delicacy he still allows himself is the pies that his wife Vika makes.

Andrei Averin was remembered by the audience for his musical humorous performances at the Comedy Club, which he does together with two other comrades. It would seem that the genre of humorous songs is not new at all, but when performed by the guys, old songs, re-arranged in a new way, after successfully twisting the words, make the audience laugh uncontrollably.
Some frivolous activity turned from a hobby into a favorite job and led to quite serious fame. Having no special musical education, Andrei Averin constantly consults with his colleagues, and also tries to learn something new from familiar musicians, and gain knowledge from watching concerts and recordings of other groups. And, as he himself admits, one of the most severe, but at the same time fair and honest critics of his numbers is wife of Andrei Averin Victoria .

What is definitely difficult to imagine is that the cheeky fellow from the Comedy Club will turn out to be an exemplary husband and father in his personal life. Nevertheless, this is true. Having married a girl named Victoria, Andrei Averin does not think to look around. Their marriage is steadily approaching the 10-year mark. The wife also made Andrei Averin happy with offspring: a schoolgirl daughter, Elizaveta, is growing up in the family, and a year ago the heir to the family name, Timofey, was born. The showman tries to spend all his free time with his wife and children. Since Victoria is now on maternity leave, the house and family rest entirely on her shoulders, although Andrei Averin tries to help his wife in everything, not considering it shameful for himself to cook, clean up or sit with the children in order to give his beloved time to rest. The comedian notes his wife’s talent for preparing incredibly delicious dishes with which she pampers her family. However, in the future, the showman’s wife plans to go to work, which her husband does not intend to interfere with.

In creativity, Victoria is also an excellent assistant and like-minded person of her husband. The girl often helps her lover come up with jokes. Family life and fatherhood do not seem to Andrei Averin something difficult, akin to a feat. In his opinion, the most important thing is love. When you love a person, you will definitely find a way to make him feel good. Victoria and her husband will also try to give their children a good upbringing, which, naturally, is primarily based on love and care. It would be nice for many domestic men to adopt such family principles and such an attitude towards the woman they love.

Photo by Andrey

Andrey Averin posts photos on Instagram.

With Andrei Averin, his wife Vika and children Lisa and Timofey OK! met at the Festival “Week of High Humor with Comedy Club in Jurmala”, which took place on the Baltic coast in August. The comedian and his regular stage partners, Zurab Matua and Dmitry Sorokin, then presented their new musical sketches to the audience.

Andrey, do you base your songs on any personal stories?

In different ways: sometimes I take it, sometimes life itself throws up stories, and sometimes I come up with something. The main thing is that it is funny, and where the idea came from is not so important.

Do you have any musical education?

No. Zurab and Dima have it. Well, creating musical numbers naturally requires some knowledge. The guys help me and teach me. We try to use various genres in our work - jazz, opera, hard rock, reggae, and almost everything. We have our own studio where we spend a lot of time: we analyze famous compositions, play ourselves, watch performances of other comedians in order to learn something new for ourselves. Sometimes professional musicians come to us and suggest some unusual moves. That is, our learning process is ongoing.

As far as I know, you were planning to become an engineer...

Test engineer. In general, initially I entered the cybernetics department at the Polytechnic, but did not get two points. And then fate intervened. I must say that since childhood I have been attracted to the theme of space, stars, distant worlds. Therefore, I successfully passed the exams for the aerospace department at the Baltic State Technical University. Ustinov in St. Petersburg. It is also called “Voenmekh”.

How did you come to music and humor?

It seems to me that every person loves music. ( Smiles.) I have always been a music lover, I listened to almost everything. And he himself came to music through student KVN. For the first time, I remember, I went on stage in the assembly hall of Voenmekha... Many people ask me if I played in KVN, meaning, probably, the major league. I didn’t play in it - we had our own small leagues. Then I got involved in a humorous project in St. Petersburg. And after that everything moved to the Comedy Club stage.

Have you never had a chance to work in your specialty?

I just did an internship. In general, my specialty has a lot in common with the “profession” of a comedian. Engineers often brainstorm: they sit down, sketch out ideas, and discuss projects. It’s the same with us now: we get together and come up with material. So education helps me to be scientific about working on songs.

Is your family also creative?

My mother and her brother once played in an ensemble, and my mother also sang. My dad is an incredible joker - probably, this “humorous spark” was passed on to me from him. My mother-in-law loves poetry and it was only by the will of fate that she did not become an actress. My father-in-law was a singer in a choir in his youth. But there was nothing more global in the family. By the way, my wife is also interested in music, she has excellent taste. She helps me come up with jokes and gives honest and objective feedback to what I've already written. If something turned out to be unfunny, Vika will definitely tell you.

Does your daughter help with this?

Certainly! ( Smiles.) She comes with me on the set, always watches the performances with pleasure and supports me. Sometimes he says: “Dad, this is funny.” But it’s true, I don’t show her much: after all, the Comedy Club has humor for adults. She loves to sing herself, but due to her age she doesn’t take it very seriously. She has already developed her own musical taste: she is a fan of Beyoncé, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, and loves to sing along with them.

Daughters usually make ropes out of their fathers. What kind of dad are you?

I am caring and attentive. I try to make my family feel good, so that everyone is happy and prosperous. I think every loving father should work first and foremost for the benefit of his family. Now I actually have two children - a girl and a boy, a kind of yin and yang. And I'm doubly happy.

You are raising your son and daughter differently

Timofey is still very young, so it’s difficult to say anything specific. With a boy, I'll probably be stricter. He must know what a real man is, how to behave in society, how to treat women, and so on. And we are raising Lisa as a future lady.

Does she go to any clubs?

Lisa has been studying English for three years now. She studied music in the ensemble “Fidgets”. She herself really wants to sign up for choreography, and will probably start starting in the new year. And he will definitely study at a music school. The daughter is already well versed in fashion and has excellent taste. She can tell what is beautiful and what is not, and she chooses outfits very well. ( Smiles.)

In this case, the girl is probably already helping her mother choose what to wear?

Helps. Now there are many applications for tablets, something like “choose a look” or “do makeup”. I once spied on my daughter when she was dressing these virtual dolls, everything there looked very beautiful. ( Smiling.)

Are you trying to protect Lisa from the products of technological progress?

I think it’s impossible to protect: they are everywhere. You just need to give it in portions so that the same tablet does not become paramount and the child does not become dependent. There is time for business, as they say, and time for fun. I always tell Lisa: do your homework, tidy up your room, and then you can play. I think this is normal, the main thing is not to let your child stare at the screen and sit like that all day. In everything you need to know when to stop.

Does your wife only take care of the children? Don't you miss work?

You know, she really wants to work, but it’s not working out yet. Now she has a house and children. I also help her with the housework, of course. And I don’t limit my desires, so if the opportunity arises to combine family and work, I’m all for it!

Andrey, you look very good now. It is known that at one time you lost a lot of weight...

They also called me to different programs to tell me about it. ( Smiling.) I am naturally thin, but at some point I gained weight because, roughly speaking, I switched from my mother’s usual home-cooked food to eating on my own. How do students eat? Sandwiches - that's all. Then I realized that the extra weight was bothering me. And in eight months I lost thirty kilograms.

Wow! How did you do it?

Yes, I just began to relate to food differently. I didn’t take any special medications, didn’t drink teas or go on diets, but began to follow certain rules: I reduced portions, stopped eating after six, eliminated all those unnecessary mayonnaises, sugar, soda water, ketchups - I call them food garbage. All this led to the result that you see now.

Have you really never even played sports?

I was a chess champion in my hometown Boksitogorsk. ( Laughs.) I once played handball seriously for seven years. True, he did not pursue a career - he chose education. Nowadays I rarely go in for sports, more often I work out my abs at home and warm up, and sometimes I go to the gym with my wife for fitness.

Does only your wife cook healthy food, or can you do it too?

Mainly the wife. And incredibly tasty! Sometimes I bake pies, cook soups and porridges. My mother taught me this at one time. In principle, I can feed the children myself. The daughter even says: “Dad, you cook the most delicious porridge.” It seems to me that a man should be able to cook, because situations are different, and the wife cannot always be there, she also needs to go out somewhere and relax.

Were you not afraid to be alone with little Lisa when you were still an inexperienced dad?

I always knew what to do. And if you couldn’t cope with something, your beloved taught you. Plus I have a younger sister Maria, I was her nanny. He fussed with her, could feed her, and clean up after her, and everything else. What do children need? Care and attention. And if you love your child, then it’s not difficult at all. ( Smiling.)

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