Question answer

How, how much and when to drink clean water 0

How, how much and when to drink clean water

Like oxygen, water is a primary substance for ensuring human life; water is the basis of life. Water is involved in almost all processes on earth. Sources provide different data, but they all agree that...

Dill water for adults 0

Dill water for adults

There is probably not a single mother who has not heard about the problem of intestinal colic in babies. According to statistics, every third person experiences this phenomenon. It is impossible to calmly watch as the baby blushes, strains, draws in his legs,...

Properties of water in liquid state 0

Properties of water in liquid state

We are surrounded by water, by itself, as part of other substances and bodies. It can be in solid, liquid or gaseous form, but water is always around us. Why does asphalt crack on the roads, why does a glass jar of water in the cold...

Is drinking a lot of water harmful or beneficial? 0

Is drinking a lot of water harmful or beneficial?

We often do not pay attention to the signals that our body sends, warning of danger. For example, a person is constantly thirsty. An endocrinologist talks about what this might be connected with and what needs to be done...

How to remove excess water from the body 0

How to remove excess water from the body

Typically, those who want to lose weight want to know how to quickly remove excess water from the body. After all, getting rid of excess fluid in the body is necessary for weight loss. You can quickly get rid of unnecessary moisture using...